5 Tips for Loving a Healthier You #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored


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I wrote this blog post as part of a movement by Weight Watchers to encourage people to remember that loving yourself starts with taking care of your health every day. Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative are my own.

5 Tips for Loving a healthier you #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored Do you have any idea how many people have already given up on their new year’s resolutions? I read somewhere that about 75% of the people who make resolutions don’t even keep them past January and fewer than 10% achieve their goals at all! I don’t want to be that person who doesn’t achieve her goals, but I am already slipping…

One of my goals {or resolutions} for 2014 is to take better care of myself. I’m a busy mom trying to do too much at once. With four children {a couple homeschooled}, an online teaching job, and this blog, my days are often more hectic than I care to admit. I usually take better care of my family members than I do of myself. Though I insist my kids eat a healthy breakfast, for instance, I often don’t eat one myself. I’ve also started relying on too much coffee, not enough water, and especially in the winter, not eating enough veggies.

To get myself back on track, I accepted the Simple Start Challenge from Weight Watchers – for 14 days, I pledge to take care of myself: body, mind, and soul. 

Today, I’m sharing 5 tips for Loving a Healthier YOU {and what I have done during the last 7 days to love healthy me!

#1 – Get Moving –

Get moving #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored Moving my body has proven to be quite difficult this winter. I blame it on a number of factors – a child in a body cast, arctic temperatures from a freak polar vortex, no gym membership. Whatever! They’re all just a bunch of excuses. I challenged myself get moving last week. And during the last seven days, I braved the weather and took a couple of walks – with my children, my dog, my husband – it felt good and it was fun.

I challenge you do to the same! Can you find time to sneak in a workout? You could try out Dave Kirsh’s Anytime, Anywhere Workout at Home, for instance, or make an effort to walk to an errand! Take the elevator one day instead of the stairs. Or, bundle up and go outside! I tell you one thing these arctic temperatures are good for – the most gorgeous sunsets ever! There’s something to be said for getting outside and taking in the winter sights!

#2 – Enjoy family and friends – 

enjoy family #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored Another great way to love healthy me is to love my family. What is it about winter? We’re often stuck inside – we argue and bicker and make a big mess.  It can get pretty ugly around here some times. But when I take the time to listen to my family and join them in fun activities, like making snow angels, or jumping on the trampoline, the laughter comes out and the mean feelings go away. {Added bonus – it’s also moving…}

So enjoy your family and friends. Plan a special family meal and really talk with your family. Play with your kids. Throw a toy for your dog. Invite friends over for a drink or a meal. Enjoying life makes everything better!

#3 – Make time for yourself – 

make time for yourself #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored This is an area I think a lot of moms struggle with because we often put the needs of others ahead of ours. Cooking, laundry, carting kids here and there. I don’t know about you, but I always have at least one kid in tow. I can’t even sneak out to the bathroom alone most days. As a person who used to really enjoy the peace and quiet, all of the noise has a way of getting to me! Making ME Time is unfortunately the last thing that happens.

Until this week. My darling husband actually whisked me away last weekend for a surprise romantic couple’s night out. We had a great time exploring a little town not far from here and the couple’s massage he pampered me with was ah-ma-zing!

But that’s not all – I’m also off this weekend for my first kid free girl’s weekend since having kids! I am excited to relax and rejuvenate and drink some wine with my girlfriend. My husband hasn’t been alone with our kids that often so it will be good for him to get some Daddy Time, too.

Making time for yourself could be as simple as getting a hair cut – treating yourself to a mani/pedi, or locking the door on the bathroom and peeing in peace. Make some time for yourself! I highly recommend it.

#4 – Declutter your space – 

declutter #lovehealthyme #wwsponsored What can I say. I feel better in a clean, uncluttered space. Unfortunately, this is one of my weakest areas. I hate to clean and declutter! The end result is always wonderful, but I am terrible at maintaining my nice, neat, clutter free areas. I should post a picture of my desk… 😉 I did however, declutter my little barn pantry!  It involved taking EVERYTHING out of the cabinet, purging, cleaning, labeling, and organizing. I actually was quite active during the process, so decluttering is also a great way to get moving! The end result is sooo much better and I feel a lot freer in the kitchen now. I can find things. It’s easier to cook! The clean area makes me feel better about myself.

It’s easier for me to love me when I can keep our life neat and tidy. I have a long way to go in this area, but I do recommend baby steps if you’re easily overwhelmed like me. Pick one area – like your pantry – and finish it. Then move on. Next on my list is our family closet. Oi. I’m not looking forward to that one. What areas of your life need declutter and organization? And would accomplishing a little cleaning help you be more healthy?

#5 – Eat better – 

uick and easy winter smoothie Finally, we can’t really get healthier without addressing food, can we? I admitted earlier that I haven’t been the greatest at eating the fresh fruits and veg this winter. I changed that last week, though, when I brought back the breakfast and / or snack smoothie. Oh how I love the smoothie! Smoothies are really one of the best ways to get a jump start on the recommended servings of fruit and veg. And they’re so easy.

I made a delicious Winter Smoothie, for instance. I like to use seasonal produce as it’s often on sale. My winter smoothie includess 1/2 a pineapple (including core), 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 cup OJ, and a few handfuls of ice. I throw it in my vitamix, whir it up, and voila! A wonderful drink that serves me and my 4 kids.  I also love to sneak spinach in smoothies! As long as I include a kiwi so my kids aren’t suspicious of the green color, we’re good to go.

Also last week, I ate salads for at least four different lunches. Keeping boxed organic spring mix and spinach on hand makes it really easy for me to throw a salad together. I add beans, avocado, cheese, nuts, whatever I have. Starting with a smoothie, having a salad for lunch, and then eating a few different veggies at dinner time help me make sure I get what I need.

Some more ways to watch what you eat – fill your plate with more veggies than anything else. Pack your lunch if you work outside the home, and take healthy snacks with you when you’re  on the go.

I am seven days into my 14 day challenge, but I plan to continue this behavior throughout 2014 – because really, who doesn’t want to be a happier, healthier person? Which one of the areas I mentioned above do you struggle the most with? What’s keeping you from loving yourself? I hope you will join me in the #lovehealthyme challenge!

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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  1. Great tips! I especially like the “get moving” tip. I always feel better when I get moving. With the sunshine starting I will enjoy moving outside more, too.



  2. HI Michelle,

    Sounds as though you are off to a great start at loving you. I can really relate, as a 60+ year old grandmother who has recently taken on guardianship of my 6 year old granddaughter. It almost feels as if I were in a time warp here when it comes to my life being so hectic while also trying to learn the ropes of business so I can take my hobbyist photography to a part time business venture.

    As a rather new blogger myself just before my granddaughter moved in with me, I have been struggling to keep my blog alive in whatever ways have been available to me. ATM, that means only a single post most months. Check it out at http://beaconoflightphotography.blogspot.com/ when you have a minute or two. Self nurturing is key as you have stressed.
