I cleaned the coffee pot…Take Back Your Morning!


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I’m not much of a morning person. I never have been, really. I’m envious of those people who bounce out of bed all cheerful and spry, because that’s almost never me. I usually want to hit my snooze button a couple of times and wake up slowly. My husband, though, bless his heart…he wakes up cheerful! And it drives me nuts. 😉

seattle's best But I do love my husband. And one of the wonderful things he does to help get me out of bed is make coffee! I need my coffee to function in the morning. Without it, my bad mood never goes away and my family members don’t like me very much. The smell of coffee can sure motivate me in the morning, though, so I am always really thankful that my cheerful husband gets that delicious aroma going each morning.

To help him help me, I try to do a few simple things to get the day off to a good start. A happy start to the day makes my day go a lot better!! That old saying If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy is so true in my house.

A while back I did something I never really did before: I cleaned the coffee pot. {I know, right?} But since I’m not normally the person who makes the coffee…I just never really thought to clean out the pot and get it ready for the next morning. Um yeah. I’m quick like that. Well. Let me tell you what cleaning out the pot on that day a while back caused. #TakeBackYourMorning That afternoon {after my husband woke up to a clean coffee pot} he raved about what how nice it was to have a clean coffee pot ready and waiting for him in the morning! I hadn’t thought much of it and was surprised. It’s not like it was hard to clean the pot or anything. So I started trying to remember to clean out that dang coffee pot every day. I don’t always remember to do it, but when I do, it really goes a long way to help keep my husband happy. And a happy hubby makes my day a lot better, too! In short, the simple action of cleaning out the coffee pot helped me Take Back My Morning and start the day on the right foot.
organic fair trade seattle's best coffee I’m certainly no model wife. But I do try to do a few things to keep my husband happy – and in turn be happier myself. Besides just cleaning the coffee pot, I also keep the coffee stocked. Who wants to run out of coffee? We actually did run out of coffee a couple weeks ago and it was a pretty big deal. I made a quick trip to Walmart to stock up on Seattle’s Best so that doesn’t happen again because finding zero coffee in the morning guarantees grumpy people out here in Eastern Iowa. We like bold coffee so I grabbed a bag of Seattle’s Best Medium-Dark & Rich #4, Organic and Fair Trade. It was $5.38 for a 12 ounce bag, not a bad deal – especially after the $1.50 off coupon I won here. And I also try to keep the sugar bowl filled and the cream stocked as well. Because really, what good is coffee without cream and sugar? 🙂 Details of my shopping trip are here, at my Google + album.

Have you seen that 1950s spoof which list steps for being a good wife – The Good Wife’s Guide? Fullscreen capture 4212013 94323 PM The Good Wife’s Guide really cracks me up and I don’t do many of those things. I should try to do a few more. Because I know my husband would love a lot of them – quiet kids with bows in their hair…being met at the door with a fresh tody… But arrange his pillow and take off his shoes??? LOL! I must draw the line somewhere. We’ll just stick with cleaning the coffee pot, ok? Baby steps, people. #TakeBackYourMorning If you’d like to stock up on some Seattle’s Best Coffee of your own, head over here and try your luck at winning bag. I didn’t win a bag, but I did win a$1.50 off coupon!! I’ll take it!

How to you take back your morning to start off on the right track? Do you take any little steps to make your mornings easier?

I am a member of the Collective Bias

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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  1. Hey, I might not put on a fresh dress to greet my hubby for lunch, but if my teeth are brushed and I’m not wearing yesterday’s shirt that’s a start, right?

  2. I’m a rather intolerable person without coffee, too! I love Seattle’s Best level 4.

  3. I am a coffee fiend! One thing that makes my spouse happy is if I wash my own dishes right away. If i leave any beside the sink, he feels like I am leaving them for him to wash!