What’s the Deal with the Phrase Chock Full?
on Apr 15, 2012, Updated May 01, 2023
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What is the term chock full? What does it mean? Why isn’t it chalk full instead? Read on to learn about this confusing English idiom.
I made this mistake on my blog a couple of weeks ago and a friend was kind enough to point it out. Thanks, Chantal!
In a post I wrote about what to eat when the pantry is empty, I made a remark about something being CHALK-FULL. Turns out, chalk has nothing to do with it (whatever IT is). The expression is CHOCK-FULL. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it, right? 🙂
Have you ever heard someone use the phrase “chock-full”? Maybe you’ve seen it written in a book or heard it on TV. But have you ever stopped to wonder what it means and why it’s spelled that way?
What the heck does Chock-full?
Simply put, CHOCK FULL means completely full or packed to capacity. When something is chock-full, there’s no room for anything else. For example, you might say that your schedule is chock-full if you have no free time or that your suitcase is chock-full if you’ve packed it to the brim.
It’s interesting to think for a minute about where the phrase CHOCK FULL comes from. The word “chock” actually has several meanings, one of which is a wedge or block used to prevent movement. In nautical terms, a chock is a fitting on a ship’s deck used to secure ropes or cables. So, when something is chock-full, it’s packed so tightly that it’s like a wedge or block that prevents anything else from moving.
Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: why isn’t it spelled “chalk full”? After all, “chalk” is a word, and it sort of makes sense that something could be so full that it’s overflowing with chalk, right? Well, not exactly. While “chalk full” is a common misspelling of “chock-full,” it’s not correct.
The origins of “chock-full” can be traced back to Middle English, where the word “chokke” meant a block or plug. Over time, this word evolved into “chock,” which eventually came to mean a wedge or block used to prevent movement. So, the “chock” in “chock-full” has nothing to do with chalk at all.
And there you have it. Even know-it-all, self-proclaimed Grammar Queens make mistakes! 😉
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I found this…seems the likely definition and reason…”the first element represents Middle English chokken ‘to cram’, from an Old French word for ‘to thrust’, with the compound thus meaning ‘crammed full’;” from The Maven’s Word of the Day (http://www.randomhouse.com/wotd/index.pperl?date=19980122). I understand if you don’t want to post the link. Just thought it might help! It’s not my link anyway!
Thanks for the link! Good reasons… 🙂
interesting…I also found this tid bit regarding origin:
I am in the middle of writing a blog post and wanting to use the expression. I originally wrote “chalk full”. As I was proof reading it I wondered if that was correct. So I googled “chalk full” and guess where I landed…HERE! So thank you so entirely much for this post! I am sure you have saved many others the embarrassment. 🙂 Obviously, it could happen to anyone.
🙂 Thanks for commenting! I’m embarrassed by my mistakes often. Glad to help. <3
It originated as a description for someone being full to the point of choking (choke-full). Then it mutated to chock-full and sometimes even chock-full.
Chuck full, I mean.