Garden Update 10/30 ~ Moving a Garden Shed & Confession Time


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Welll…here’s my confession. Garden = abandoned. I have NOT even cleaned it for winter yet. Oppps!!! I keep thinking I’ll get out there and do it, and then I don’t. It’s a mess, and I’ll even show you! The good news is, I did get another surprise garden haul yesterday: Broccoli, kale, a radish {I didn’t even realize I planted!}

There’s the surprise garden haul! I’m pretty sure I could continue harvesting kale for a long time. The broccoli, though, is about done. It’s been really cold here the last couple of weeks – down into the 20s at night. And even cold hardy broccoli can’t survive those temps forever.

And here are some of my dead tomato plants. Before we went to Colorado it was predicted that we’d get pretty cold weather. So I actually went out to the garden the night we left and picked a whole bunch of green tomatoes. My Great-Aunt tells me that it’s possible to wrap them in newspaper or arrange them in a single row and they will redden over the winter. I am trying that {but admittedly, my tomatoes are still all thrown in the box I put them in when I picked them. Some have gone bad and I’ve thrown them out, but others are turning red. I’m using them for a salad tonight so we’ll see how they taste. I figure they can’t be any worse than store-bought tomatoes.}

And here’s the money shot. My garden as it looks right now. 🙂 I have got to clean that sucker up. It’s over-run with weeds. The tomato stakes need to come out. I’d like to till it up and add some manure to get it ready for spring. Hope that happens this coming up weekend.

Moving a Garden Shed

But the really exciting news about my garden is my new to me garden shed! If you’ve been reading my blog for a long time, you may recall that we moved a barn to our property several years ago. We’re just about ready to move our home remodeling business offices into the barn, which is very, very exciting news. But this past weekend, my hubs also moved a little shed out to my garden.

His parents own a lot about 3 miles from our property that had this shed on it. After paying a professional moving company to move our huge barn several years ago, my husband has been itching to try it out on his own…so he and his dad spent last Saturday jacking up this shed, loading it onto a huge trailer, and driving it out to our property.

The scariest part was watching them drive it down the curb to get it on the street. I thought for a minute that I might ought to move my van out of the way so it wouldn’t topple over on top of me…but they made it!

I drove in front of my husband with my hazards on and my mother and father in law drove behind him with their flashers on. It was only about 3 miles out to our barn, but it was slow going. I love this picture of the shed in my side mirror – “ARGH!!! Something’s following me!” 🙂

That’s what the rig looked like going down the road. It was pretty funny!! LOL!

And I love this picture of the big barn and the little shed. Can you believe that the red barn looked much worse than the shed when it was moved? I can’t believe the transformation that red barn has undergone.

And now, the shed is sitting out by my garden and my hubs says I have work to do. Huh?? I didn’t sign up for another project. Hmmm.

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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  1. Hi Michelle,

    I’m really enjoying your blog. I’ll bet that shed will be really cute once you are done with your new project.