5 Minute Grammar Lesson – Priviledge or Privilege
on Mar 12, 2017, Updated Jan 06, 2025
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Today’s 5 Minute Grammar Lesson is really a spelling lesson. Which is right? Priviledge or Privilege?
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5 Minute Grammar Lesson – Priviledge or Privilege
Hopefully, you can tell the answer to this spelling question when you type these two words simply by observing the red squiggly line under the word that indicates it’s misspelled. ๐
Priviledge – WRONG
PRIVILIDGE is actually not the right way to spell the word. While it sounds like there should be a D before the G, there actually should not be. And guys, I make this mistake all the time myself. In fact, the entire reason for this post is because of an error I made on Facebook when I used a hashtag. Whooooooops!
Privilege – winner, winner, chicken dinner
If you want to spell the word correctly, just leave that pesky D out. PRIVILEGE has no D. Repeat after me. Privilege has NO D. Privilege has no d.
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And if you’re looking for helpful grammar resources, here are my top picks:
Grammarly –ย Instantly fix over 250 types of errors with this free web-based grammar checker!
Strunk & White Elements of Style
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuationย
Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuationย
The Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing
Check back next Sunday for another quick grammar lesson! And if you’d like to get weekly grammar tips delivered straight to your inbox, please subscribe to my once a week newsletter. I promise I won’t spam you. ๐
Michelle, I love your 5 minute grammar lessons. I correct mistakes I’ve been making for years. I chuckle. I learn something new.