5 Minute Grammar Lesson – Toward? or Towards?


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Welcome back for another 5 Minute Grammar Lesson! Today’s topic is Toward or Towards? Which is right? Does it really matter?!

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5 Minute Grammar Lesson – Toward? or Towards?

Today’s topic is actually pretty short, you guys. Best I can tell, both toward and towards are correct. The difference simply depends on where you’re from.

Are you American?

If so, TOWARD is the preferred version and TOWARDS is technically counted as incorrect in formal writing. I should remember this when I write blog posts, because until I just researched this topic for my post, I honestly didn’t know the difference.

Are you Canadian?

Then, TOWARD is also your preferred version.

Maybe you’re British or Australian?

In your case, the preferred version isย TOWARDSย and it probably really grates on your nerves to see Americans moving toward anything.

And that’s really all I have to say about that topic. ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you have anything to add?ย 

5 minute grammar lesson. Toward or towards

Want moreย grammar posts?

Bias or Biased?

Do to or Due to?

Broke or Broken?

Who’s or WHOSE?

How to make the word PEOPLE possessive

And if you’re looking for helpful grammar resources, here are my top picks:

Grammarly –ย Instantly fix over 250 types of errors with this free web-based grammar checker!

Strunk & White Elements of Style

The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuationย 

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuationย 

The Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Check back next Sunday for another quick grammar lesson! And if you’d like to get weekly grammar tips delivered straight to your inbox, please subscribe to my once a week newsletter. I promise I won’t spam you. ๐Ÿ™‚

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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  1. Thank you for the lessons. Most of us need to refresh or learn for the first time proper grammar. I applaud you for caring enough about your blog posts to check grammar…..it is appalling how poor so many bloggers write and some are teachers! Maybe you will start a ‘trend’.

  2. Oh dear; no wonder I’m confused and nothing looks right to me…a Canadian in the UK!
    Good to know I’m okay either way!

  3. I’m happy I’ve stumbled on your post.
    I’m writing novel that takes place in UK. So every information on difference between American English and British English is very useful for me.