DIY Nontoxic Slime Recipe for Safe and Squishy Fun


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I’m always on the lookout for frugal things to do with my kids. Last week, we made slime! Super fun, super easy, not even too messy, and you only need a few ingredients for a nontoxic slime recipe without borax.

Homemade slime provides hours of fun for little ones (and adults, too!). It’s squishy, squelchy, stretchy, and can be endlessly customized. Nontoxic homemade slime is a safe way to get hours of imaginative sensory play.

Kids love slime!ย  Go to any kid’s birthday party and at least one gift will be a slime kit. Many cmmercial slime kits are made with questionable ingredients.ย  Some homemade kid friendly slime recipes use borax and/or glue.ย  These ingredients are not a huge deal for older kids, but if younger ones are prone to putting things in their mouths, it’s better to use nontoxic ingredients.ย ย 

nontoxic homemade pink slime oozing from hand

We all want our kidsย to explore and play without a worry in the world. That’s why choosing the right ingredients for your slime recipe matters more than you might think. Ditch theย store-bought, mystery-filled slimes that leave you questioning what’s actually inside. Use saferย household ingredients to sneak in a chemistry lesson AND provide hours of fun for your kids to make a nontoxic slime right in your own kitchen.

kids pulling blue stretchy slime from bowl

How to Make Homemade Slime

When it comes to nontoxic homemade slime recipes, there are two main categories.ย  The first category generally uses cornstarch and its non-Newtonian properties as the main ingredient.ย  The second type of safe slime recipes are usually “edible” and are based around food products such as marshmallows, pudding, or other candies.ย  My kids LOVE whipping up slime on a whim so I try to keep my pantry stocked with basic supplies soย there is always an option for their slime factory.ย 

Common Ingredients for Slime without Borax

  • cornstarch
  • flour
  • coconut oil
  • marshmallows
  • cocoa powder
  • food coloring
  • gummy candies like starbursts

Note: Slime with saline solution or contact lens solution still has boric acid, which can cause irritation for those who have sensitive skin and love playing with slime.

Boy's hand over bowl of nontoxic slime made with cornstarch and water

Cornstarch (Oobleck) Slime

One of the most common ways to make nontoxic slime is with cornstarch.ย  This recipe is often referred to as oobleck and is wetter and stickier than other recipes.ย  I often make this for the littler kids who are more likely to put it in their mouths.ย  (Always supervise your kids. Even though cornstarch is nontoxic, it is not meant to be eaten in large amounts.)ย 

Note: No matter the recipe, kid safe slime recipes made without borax and glue will not have the same texture as traditional recipes.ย  However, this doesn’t mean they aren’t fun!!

Two Ingredient Slime Recipe

Cornstarch slime looks hard, but if you put your hands in it, the slime feels squishy. All you need is:

  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup water

Mix these ingredients together in a bowl with a spoon. If it is too watery, add more cornstarch. If it is too crumbly, add a little bit of water at a time. There will be some trial and error to get the consistency correct, but let your kids be little scientists and experiment on their own!

Cornstarch slime is best left in the bowl for play. I don’t recommend putting it on the counter or trying to stretch it out, as it does not have this “slimy” characteristic.

white and pink marshmallows

Marshmallow Slime

One of the best edible slimes is made with marshmallows, oil, and powdered sugar.

  • 2 oz. marshmallows
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons powdered sugar.

Melt the marshmallows in a microwave safe bowl until they start to puff up – about 30 seconds. Mix in 1 tablespoon of the oil. Then begin adding the powdered sugar until it forms a slime texture.

You can substitute corn starch for the powdered sugar in marshmallow slime. The cornstarch gives a better texture, while the powdered sugar version will be stickier.

Marshmallow slime is super fun because kids love watching the marshmallows puff up and then get mixed together. It will get harder as the kids play with it. Expect one batch to last for about 30 minutes of slime fun.

child mixing glitter and beads into homemade slime in orange bowl

Add-Ins for Slime

Kids love adding “extras” to slime. Again, if your kids are smaller and prone to putting things in their mouths, choose these additions carefully.

For edible homemade slime, add in other edible ingredients such as:

  • Crumbled up cookies
  • Cereal flakes
  • Dried fruit
  • Chocolate chips
  • Sprinkles

For other slimes that will not be eaten, my kids love:

  • Glitter (bane of my existence – 0/10 stars from mom’s perspective ๐Ÿ˜‰ )
  • Small beads
  • Small toys that can be washed and cleaned off after play
  • Sand

Homemade Slime Made with Borax

When we experimented with nontoxic slime recipes we also made our favorite slime recipe just to compare the textures and characteristics. This is an interesting science experiment in its own right!

Note: Borax has been known to cause rashes or skin irritation. Do not ingest it or allow your kids to ingest it.

For this recipe you’ll need:

  • 1 tsp borax
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup white glue
  • food coloring

Mix together the borax and water until the borax is dissolved. Then add in the other ingredients and watch the chemistry happen!

Are you having any frugal, family fun this summer? Do you have a favorite nontoxic slime recipe without glue or borax? I’d love it if we could create a nontoxic slime that has the same consistency as the traditional ones. Feel free to share any tips with me here!

How to Make Homemade Slime

Fun and easy homemade slime recipe that uses borax and glue
Course: Recipes
Author: Michelle Marine


  • 1 tsp borax
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup glue
  • food coloring


  • Mix 1 cup of water with 1 tsp borax in one bowl. Stir until the borax is dissolved.
  • In another bowl, mix the 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup glue and food coloring.
  • Combine the two mixtures and watch your slime form!

About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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  1. I did this earlier this summer. So much fun for my boys. It keeps great in a zip top bag. I store it with all the play dough so the kids can have stuff to do without needing to make stuff all the time. Easy enough to make and pitch to though too so either way it is a win win.

  2. This is exactly the kind of stuff I love. It looks like so much fun!
    New follower from Musings of an Imperfect Mom