How to Make Mango Porcupines Your Kids Will Love!
on Nov 11, 2011, Updated Jul 19, 2020
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My kids love mangoes. And their favorite way to eat them? Cut into mango porcupines. Learn how to cut mango porcupines with this easy tutorial.
How to Make Mango Porcupines
Funny thing about mangoes. For some reason they can cause quite a few fights at my house. Who knew mangoes could cause such a stir? I finally starting buying four at a time every time I buy them so the each of my four kids gets his or her own. The thought is, if they each have their own, we won’t have problems arise. But we still have problems, wouldn’t you know. For some reason, everyone wants to argue about who gets which part of the mango.
I don’t even really like mangoes, so the hullabaloo over mangoes is so strange to me! Since my kids love them and they’re on the Clean 15 List, I happily buy them when they cost 99 cents or less, which they often do this time of year. Even though my kids are older now, they still love them cut up so they look like porcupines. Here’s how to make your own mango porcupine!
After you’ve washed the mango, cut it into thirds. This is the only tricky part because there’s a great big seed in the middle and I’m never quite sure where that sucker is hidden. But if you hold your mango just so, you can tell to slice it longways instead of short ways. Cutting it longways will yield the nicest sides for making porcupines.
Then, score the two seedless halves:
And flip them inside out pushing up with your thumbs. When the kid are finished eating them, this is what you’ll have left:
Don’t forget to give someone the third section with the seed. My kids love cleaning off that piece, too.
What do you think of mangoes? Love them or hate them? Do you have a favorite way to eating them? My kids also love frozen mango chunks as much as fresh mango. They add them to smoothies and eat them by the handful!
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I love to buy Mango on sale, then cube and freeze for smoothies. Sometimes Ifind good dinner recipes that use mango.
There is a simple trick for knowing ABOUT where the seed is. When holding a mango w/ stem facing the ceiling you should see that there is a wide side, and a thin side. That pesky seed is running the width of the mango.
The Mango Porcupine is exactly how I prep my mango cubes before freezing. I just use my fingers to tear the cubes away from the skin.
I had no idea mango prices shouldbe getting better! I really am clueless about seasonal produce prices when it comes to the more “exotic” fruits. Sometimes I find them for .44 each. But laely our produce prices have been HORRIBLE! I skimped on many other items this week just to fit in fresh veggies!!
That’s a great idea to cube and freeze for smoothies! I might give that a try when they’re even cheaper. I’m guessing these tropical fruits are cheaper right now because they’re actually in season in now. That’s my guess. Pineapples are also cheaper in the winter! 🙂
Where are they 99 cents?
guess i’ll be stopping there this week i love mangos