Make Your Homestead More Productive with Organic Plant Food

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 If you’re serious about growing more food this year, here are five ways to make your homestead more productive using BioFlora organic plant food lawn and gardening products. 5 Ways To Make Your Homestead More Productive using organic plant food

*This post is sponsored by BioFlora. All opinions are mine.*

Make Your Homestead More Productive with Organic Plant Food

There are a lot of factors that go into a productive homestead, and making sure your plants get the proper nutrients is a big part of it. The tips I’m sharing for more productive homesteading today can be implemented at any point in the gardening season. While some of them are great to do early in the season, adding organic plant food to your garden and orchard at any point this summer will be a big help.

If you want to increase plant yields and help your crops be more drought resistance, then you need to feed them some kind of organic plant food. Here are five ways to use BioFlora products for a more productive garden or homestead this summer. helping seedlings survive transplating with bioflora seaweed creme

1. Use BioFlora Seaweed Creme when planting seedlings

One problem I have had in my garden is slow growing tomatoes and peppers that don’t yield much until the end of the season. To move things along a little quicker this year, I used  when I planted my seedlings.

planting seedlings with BioFlora Seaweed Creme

To help avoid transplanting shock, I added a small amount of Seaweed Creme to a gallon of water and then dunked my seedlings into the bucket for planting. After they were all planted, I used the remaining water to water them thoroughly. It’s still early in the season, but it seems to be making a difference. I’ve already harvested several peppers and my tomato plants are already flowering!

james the peacock

2. Increase seed germination with BioFlora Soil Source

Before I planted corn this year, I watered the ground with BioFlora Soil Source. I grow primarily ornamental corn, but I still want a nice yield. The corn germinated really well this year, but unfortunately, my peacock James has taken a liking to the baby corn and ate most down to nothing. I tell you what, every year I face different problems in my garden! I’ve been wanting a fence for a long time, and every year it’s getting more and more important that I get one.

If you’re wondering about the , it’s a biologically enhanced, humic acid soil additive that provides beneficial microbes to help rebuild and restore the soil. It helps the soil to hold more water and nutrients by softening the soil and improving organic matter content. cherries on a cherry tree in the simplifylivelove orchard

3. Don’t forget to feed your fruit trees & berry bushes

Somehow, I always forget about my fruit trees and berry bushes. Maybe I’m so sidetracked by all the work in the garden, but my poor fruit trees are often overlooked. One easy way to increase the yield of your homestead though, is to have a larger fruit harvest! Your fruit trees will appreciate being fed every once in a while too. This spring, we fed our fruit trees and berry bushes Dry Crumbles. It’s really easy – just measure the tree trunk’s circumphrence to learn how much to apply, then sprinkle the slow-release, carbon-based granules around the base of your fruit trees.

lemons in containers

4. Add BioFlora Dry Crumbles to garden beds and container plants – 

I don’t have many plants growing in containers, but I do have three citrus trees that I added to my homestead last year! They’re potted in cute pots and the live outside in the summer. Before the first frost, I pull them inside and they live in my house. I’m very excited to have my very first fruit on these bushes! Check out those little meyer’s lemons! It’s amazing to me that I’m growing citrus fruit in Iowa!

When you’re prepping your garden beds and container gardens, add  organic plant food to feed plants during the growing season and support the soil microbial ecosystem. It doesn’t take many crumbles – just be sure to mix up potting soil thoroughly. If you grow herbs in pots, don’t forget to prep that soil too. My citrus trees were already planted so I sprinkled dry crumbles around the pot in the same manner that we fed the fruit trees in our orchard.

keep weeds down for a green lawn

5. Keep weeds down in your lawn – 

A weedy lawn doesn’t bother me all that much, but it does bother my husband. One way we try to keep the weeds down on our homestead is to fertilize our grass. A thick grass can help choke out weeds to keep them from growing. And a great way to get a thick grass is to fertilize it. Not only do the BioFlora Dry Crumbles work well for trees and potted gardens, but they are also quite good for fertilizing the lawn.

bioflora organic plant food

BioFlora’s Lawn & Garden Line

BioFlora products have been available to commercial growers for the past 40 years and are now available to homeowners and homesteaders like us. I’m excited to try out products that work to enhance our gardens from the ground up. If you’re looking for an organic plant food to help you boost production of your gardens or homestead, I hope you will to learn more about this new line!

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About Michelle Marine

Michelle Marine is the author of How to Raise Chickens for Meat, a long-time green-living enthusiast, and rural Iowa mom of four. She empowers families to grow and eat seasonal, local foods; to reduce their ecological footprint; and to come together through impactful travel.

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